Transition Care Program

Thank you for completing this referral for a Transition Care Residential or Transition Care Domiciliary Bed.

Once received the Transition Care Coordinator will be notified of your referral via email and you will be contacted with time frames for bed availability. All mandatory fields must be completed for the referral to be generated.

Should you have any questions about the progress of your referral, please email as our preferred method of contact.

Please fax the signed TCP consent form to 4215 3485

Next of kin contact details (must be able to be contacted during business hours).
Transition Care Goals
When RAC placement is the known discharge destination TCP goals may include
When TCP residential program is the discharge destination TCP goals may include
Physio goals
Occupational Therapy goals
Social Goals
Nursing Goals
Speech Therapy goals
Dietician goals
Special Equipment
Pre morbid function (four weeks prior to recent problems)
Please indicate with I, A or D.

Current function

Current cognition
Fax 4215 3485 with results of relevant testing
Premorbid cognition
Current Behaviour/Mood
Payment Responsibilty